St. Luke's

St. Luke's

LVYSL General Membership Meeting Club Attendance

LVYSL General Membership Meeting Club Attendance

Clubs are required to have a representative attend the Lehigh Valley Youth Soccer League general membership meetings held the second Tuesday of the month in March, June, August and November. Meeting dates, times and locations are posted to the LVYSL website calendar.

Clubs are responsible for all items discussed/decided and for deadlines, etc. announced at meetings.  The LVYSL will make an effort to disseminate these discussions/decisions, etc... however the timeliness of these items require that club have representation.

If your club has more than eight teams enrolled in any combined season(s) than a representative should attend all league meetings.If your club has teams participating in the Fall season a representative should attend the August and November meetings; in the Spring season a representative should attend the March and June meetings. Teams entered in the Round Robin Season are encouraged to attend meetings and are responsible for all deadlines and items under discussion/decided at these meetings but attendance is not mandatory for these teams.

Fees for non-attendance at mandatory meetings is $10 per incident deducted from the club performance bond as determined by the meeting sign-in sheet. Make sure your club representative knows to sign in at the meetings.